That is, the blue electron gun will strike blue phosphors, but will find a wire blocks the path to red and green phosphors.
Most of the world's terbium supply is used in green phosphors.
Terbium oxide is used in green phosphors in fluorescent lamps and color TV tubes.
This version included visible green phosphors in each eyelet so that the bit status could also be read by eye.
Gadolinium(III) salts have therefore been used as green phosphors in various applications.
Gadolinium compounds are also used for making green phosphors for colour TV tubes, and in manufacturing compact discs.
Instead, the screen is coated with red, green and blue phosphors arranged in dots or stripes.
Behind each space are a series of red, blue and green phosphors (substances that give off light when struck by light).
In standard television, the signal activates an electron gun that fires electrons at red, green and blue phosphors, which glow to form an image.
In addition to the gas, each cell is coated with a red, blue or green phosphor.