Claude saw a waving green plume and a glimpse of black and white.
Amid the white and brown feathers, Lindy found a long, green plume.
At last they were through the final fringe of green plumes and into the open.
Just as it reached the horizontal, the rich green plumes at the top caught on fire.
Grenadier companies wore white plumes, while the light companies had a green plume.
On his head was a cylindrical helmet with cheek pieces and a crest from which a green plume waved.
He reached over to the helmet that Blade had taken from his head and plucked the green plume from its crest.
A green, black, and white plume was added to show off more of the school colors.
The pale green plumes of giant bamboo wove a pleasant canopy over his head.
If his hat shows two plumes, blue and green in color, he proves himself friend and faithful ally!