Underneath the shield lie the red-budded green reeds which gave the city its name, which features alongside its year of foundation (1797) at the very bottom.
Ayla turned to float on her back, and she watched the green reeds slipping by and the clear blue vault above.
Mist drifted gently on the lake and ponds, fringed with fresh green reeds.
As Mr. Abdullah poled his boat through the water, he pointed to the stands of green reeds.
We are like the green reeds: once they are cut they will never be green again.
The tall green reeds lining the bank were parted and crushed.
The three travelers sat around the fire, watching the fish grilling in a cradle of green reeds over the flames.
He found Mariah munching on some green reeds.
I laid my prize upon some green reeds, and covered it carefully with the same cool material.
The bank was lined with tall green reeds.