It left a green smear.
Soundview Park is a long, soft green smear.
And neither man's feet left dark green smears upon the stones, worn smooth and hollow by generations of pilgrims to this shrine, ancient even for Vulcan.
Blotches of moisture have soaked through the armsman's leather trousers, and green smears attest to his crawling through underbrush and grass.
On the envelope that bore my name there was a long green smear of snot.
He stepped backward, glancing at the FLIR scope, trying to pull some kind of meaning out of the blurry green smear.
He felt little pain, I suppose, for he had killed it with those green smears, but the pain that burst through me was real and potent.
Along each side of that crease, the soil was thicker and there were occasional green smears of what might be moss.
Red and pink swirls slid past his vision; when he blinked, nothing happened but the addition of ugly green smears to the swirls.
The safety marker was a tiny green smear.