A green sprig of onion stuck to his lip.
Only scattered green sprigs of new growth stood out against brown meadows beaten flat by the winter's snows.
Getting on with mine, I slumped deeper into the pillow and nibbled at a last green sprig of qat.
A few bore the green sprigs of winter wheat, growing apace already.
Instead, green sprigs no longer than a forefinger were poking through a matted carpet of dead grass.
The rebels wore green sprigs tucked into their hats to declare their support for Monmouth.
The breeding pair builds a stick nest (also sometimes including shredded bark, leaves and green sprigs) in a major fork of a large tree.
He appeared with ruddy face, clean dress, with a flower or a green sprig in the lapel of his coat.
The illegal Irish get a lot of press, but are just one tiny subset, a green sprig of parsley in the melting pot.
It was as though a conflagration had consumed every leaf and green sprig.