The mass left green stains on the lining, but he could no longer smell the taint of off-world when he had finished.
He chewed and spit out so much naswar that a trail of green stains marked his daily journey through the snow.
There were bullet holes in his ragged shirt, and brown and green stains around the holes.
The unfortunate result was that brown, green, and blue stains appear on the manuscript.
More than once he'd brought home a helicopter whose underside bore green stains like those on a child's jeans.
In the last few months my bathtub has developed green stains along the sides and the back.
He had on a regimental striped tie that was loosened at the collar and spotted with green stains.
The sun makes the wildflowers decorating the altar shine brightly, but deep green stains on the walls suggest that in winter it's a different story.
The floor was covered with green and brown stains, despite its appearance of having been recently scrubbed.
She saw me looking at the green stains on the rough cloth, and smiled, showing two prominent yellow front teeth.