Maps of Voluntown portray the problem that town officials face: huge green swaths, designating state forest land, cover most of the western and eastern portions of town.
The historic centre of Edinburgh is divided in two by the broad green swath of Princes Street Gardens.
The city is ablaze with highway lights, building lights, the green swaths of playing fields, and the brightly lit rectangles of parking areas.
Originally a swampy woodland, the Mall is now a great green swath that serves as our front lawn.
The park serves to provide a lengthy green swath between the northern residential area and the commercial sections of the city.
Gabriel was at the window, staring down over the parking lot and the rich green swath of tropical trees beyond.
The illuminated part of the globe showed white clouds, blue oceans and a green swath of land.
Umberto Eco describes the green swath as a sort of balm on which a monk might rest weary eyes, so as to return to reading with renewed vigor.
It's slow going, but after an hour, they've made it the two miles to their destination: a green swath at the edge of Liberty State Park.
The opening event was held in Grant Park, a green swath that ran between the towering center of downtown Chicago and the lake.