Lutein, which is known to have antioxidant action, is in oranges as well as dark green veggies.
You've got a light fishy/leafy starter (probably), turkey (highly likely), bread sauce, green veggies - all of which point to white.
Obvious things like eating healthily (lots of leafy green veggies); getting some exercise (yoga or swimming are great); and quitting smoking all make a difference.
This and other green veggies like kale and spinach have anti-inflammatory and detoxifying effects, a 2008 study shows.
Dark green veggies are the best because they're low in starch and high in vitamins.
If green veggies turn him off, try orange or red ones instead.
If you love sushi (and your green veggies), this will be your new favorite snack.
Eat enough folic acid-rich foods like oranges, asparagus, and leafy green veggies.
First, fill up your plate with green veggies, and get full on those before eating other food.
Carbs pork me up quick, fat porks me up quick, so I have to cut down to lean protein and green veggies.