Four laps in, race leader Winterbottom was assigned a ten second penalty for starting outside of his grid box.
At the temporal resolution of 12 hourly, one satellite provides data coverage to less than 30% of the oceanic grid boxes.
The simulation provides a 72-hour projection of likely dust conditions across the Mideast, breaking up the landscape into grid boxes 27 miles on a side.
Atmospheric emissions from different sources within individual grid boxes also need to be parameterized to determine their impact on air quality.
Under the new system, five red lights would come on at one second intervals, starting after the last driver reached his grid box.
When one crosspoint failed, the grid box was quickly replaced whole, and either repaired at a local workbench or shipped to a repair shop.
Its spatial grid boxes are 5 of latitude and longitude.
Chain conveyors are primarily used to transport heavy unit loads, e.g. pallets, grid boxes, and industrial containers.
The first two numbers of the sequence directed Falah to a grid box.
No lateral interpolation is performed, so individual grid boxes can be discerned.