There's usually a lull of about six months, to allow for a grieving period.
We would also like to extend our gratitude to those who have offered their support and sympathy during this grieving period," the statement said.
The end of this grieving period was marked by her creation of the triumphant "Mountain Women".
Children's grieving periods are shortened because they cannot think through their thoughts and feelings like adults.
Complicated grief is characterised by an extended grieving period and other criteria, including mental and physical impairments.
I'm not sure how or what I will be when I emerge from this grieving period that doesn't want to end.
During a grieving period, Hetty stayed with her mother-in-law.
There is a grieving period, but how can you grieve when the family is broken up like that?
Because I don't think you can focus on it while we're in the middle of a grieving period.
We decided to take a trip downtown during our grieving period and it worked.