Their fate, and their country's, seem not determined but improvised, and the grim episodes of the book are lifted up by the exhilaration of accident and surprise.
As Mr. Arafat tried to affirm his control, Israel completed the task of burying its latest dead, at the same time trying to use the grim episode to save lives.
Gilligan also wanted to "lighten up" the fourth season, which featured many grim episodes and was the introduction for the dark point involving Scully's cancer.
The Rabjohns boy had been a participant in what was surely the grimmest episode in the history of Burnt Yarley.
There are some grim episodes in the book.
A Turning Point But the grimmest episode of Mr. Spence's career was a 1979 murder trial for which he was appointed a special prosecutor.
But as I continued to think, the possibilities of any result seemed to get less, and I found myself vainly trying to reconcile with the logic of life the grim episode of the night.
His original appeal in Air Mail reached no fewer than 40 of the 250 survivors of that grim episode in Far East war history.
Had it not been for the fierce forging that made me steel and rawhide, I could not have survived the grim bloody episodes through which I was to pass on that wild planet.
If Redline the Stars 183 the conversation turned to a detailed comparison of some of history's grimmer episodes, it would be to the decided detriment of a magnificent meal.