He did not look at her, but straight ahead; the eyes, unnaturally large now, with their deep purple rims, looked far ahead beyond the stone walls of this grim, cruel prison.
It can also be counted a considerable success for the director, Jonathan Kent, who has set the play in an abstract box that could be the courtyard of a grim prison.
That grim dark prison of a palace.
Fewer still anticipated they would operate a grim prison once used by the Iraqi government to torture dissidents.
One place mentioned was Abu Ghraib, west of the capital, notorious as the site of the grimmest prison in Mr. Hussein's gulag.
In Sandy's imagination, however, the youth center remained a grim, gray prison, and these noises fit that place.
Soon, re-offenders filled the grim prison at Port Arthur on the beautiful and wild coast near Hobart.
This afternoon he visited the grim prison where Pol Pot's victims were photographed and sent off for execution.
Both men are under interrogation at the Tokyo Detention Center, a grim former prison that dates from before World War II.
Oh, they must wear the Broad Arrow until discharged - but at home they would wear it in a grim prison.