We saw no water nor promise of any; nothing save the long stretch of dim vista ahead and the grim, black walls on either side.
The Galean troops behind her formed a grim wall of leather, chain mail, and steel.
But unless she became interested in me soon I stood a good chance of spending the rest of my days behind these grim walls.
The American's eyes moved instinctively toward the grim cyclopean walls.
Straight ahead rose the grim gray walls and buttressed towers of Baffleburg.
At the quay we entered a small launch belonging to the prison and were soon standing beneath its grim walls.
Fact and legend mingle inextricably within its grim walls.
These were nothing like the grim walls of stone and brick I'd left behind.
His gloved hand pulled the switch that fed the pulsing electric current to the grim walls.
Pictures of grim gray walls conjured themselves before him.