The landlord was also accompanied by several silent, grim-looking men who were believed to be private security workers.
He found, sitting by the fire, a tall, thin, raw-boned, grim-looking, old man, with the petit croix of St. Louis.
I was pushed into the back seat-which was already full of grim-looking men and grimmer-looking munitions of various sorts-and the car started at once.
Frito awoke with a start to find the little grove completely surrounded by tall, grim-looking men clad from head to toe in British racing green.
Smith did not wait for the grim-looking men to force him.
At a wave of my arm, the platoon rose in the morning mist, and a line of grim-looking men swept in on the enemy.
He handed the assault rifle to the slender, grim-looking man and pointed to the tree.
However angry her words, she didn't speak very loud: she didn't want those grim-looking men to hear.
"He goes back with this," Kahlan said to the grim-looking man as she handed Owen the bottle.
A barricade had been placed across the street at the edge of the village, and several grim-looking men were guarding it.