It was about forty metres long and twenty-five high, and constructed of dark, grimy brick.
By day, what they saw out this window was grimy black bricks and the window of another kitchen, that one always with its yellowish shade drawn.
The door was of the sliding type, fitting into a wall of grimy brick.
Rain was falling again, as dirty as the grimy brick walls along Whitechapel's narrow streets.
Number forty-four Kensington Cloisters was a dull Victorian mansion in grimy red brick.
Outside was a bright cold December day, the sunlight painting every grimy brick with stark clarity.
All her life had been spent surrounded by grimy bricks with hardly a green grass blade in sight.
The grimy brick, with all its mortar gulleys, depressed even the spray-can juvies.
But as I leant one-handed against the grimy bricks I heard that sound again, echoing slightly down the alley.
Another, and the facade seemed to hang in air, an ominous cloud of grimy brick.