The print of somebody's grimy thumb had been left on it; had soiled it, marred it, stained it.
He looked Eve de Saint-Lucque up and down seeming to appraise her weakness; then pointing at her over his shoulder with a grimy thumb he went on with a sneer: "I don't think you need fear trouble from her until they come."
Jack's 'coffee' arrived, about half of it still in the cup, the rest in the saucer, lapping around the grimy thumb of Jack's server.
The burly man lowered his pike and tapped himself on the chest with a grimy thumb.
Simnel jerked a grimy thumb towards the Combination Harvester.
He rubbed a grimy thumb in his palm, collecting dirt off both surfaces.
The very sight of him with one grimy thumb buried deep in the lukewarm stew, that seemed, from the frequency of its repetition, to constitute the pride of his culinary art, was sufficient to take away the girl's appetite.
The grimy thumb was now aiming at a transparent-walled cubicle that also projected from the back of the truck.
One grimy thumb stabbed the large red button and a gasp ran through the ship as they felt themselves squeezed in an implacable grip.
He hooked his grimy thumbs in his overalls.