His uncle Abay, the one with the lacerated face, grinned horribly.
Instead he was fighting like his men, grinning horribly from a face made awful by blood, smoke, sweat and strain.
There was one man directly before Battle who leaped across the threshold and stood there, grinning horribly.
"I'll have to fight my way up, every foot of the way," says Achilles, grinning horribly.
Then shall we see if she can work miracles or not," and so he went on gibing, while they grinned horribly upon me.
Charles jerked on his couch, grinning horribly with clenched teeth.
The guys were totally scuzzy, grinning horribly, showing holes where teeth should be.
Then, grinning horribly, it punched her in the stomach.
Grinning horribly, they raised their spears and charged forward to meet the ridiculous challenge.
'Let me tell you something about us, lieutenant,' said Tonker, grinning horribly.