He grinned rather humorlessly at them and filled his glass again, slopping sherry onto the counter.
Harry grinned humorlessly as he let his head ease back down.
Despite his concern, he grinned humorlessly as he thought about it.
Everyone had their shields up, grinning humorlessly at one another under their shadow as unidentifiable stuff thudded off the wood.
As the turbolift doors opened onto E deck, Archer grinned humorlessly.
Jani grinned humorlessly at his discomfort.
Kassar grinned at me humorlessly; the wolf he had killed was tied behind his saddle.
She only grinned humorlessly, and patted the holster of her ankh.
You think that no one would want to endure the pain of being the Oddity" Bloat grinned humorlessly.
Sullivan grinned humorlessly at him.