Craig grinned lopsidedly, and thought to himself, "That's all I need, three days with nothing to do but feel sorry for myself."
He grinned lopsidedly and stuck his hand out to Della.
He shook himself, grinning lopsidedly at the stretched feeling of his brain, and nodded for the dragon-man to continue.
He grinned lopsidedly, and clapped Masters on the arm.
He grinned lopsidedly, looking down at her belly.
He grinned lopsidedly and went out in a hurry.
Jak Eisman grinned lopsidedly at the man who had just spoken.
She saw the same conclusion in his face and grinned lopsidedly.
I grinned lopsidedly and asked her if she wanted a drink.
"I will, Gatekeeper," he said, grinning lopsidedly and bobbing his head.