But whatever the reason, his gripping tale wanes after the 1946 Bar Harbor meeting.
A gripping tale of passion and respect and blood bonds that will never end.
A gripping tale about two boys who must find their own answers - and their own way forward - in a world divided by differences.
The wreck has recently been discovered on the sea bed, giving us new information about a gripping tale of war.
By turns spiritual, beastly and heroic, this is a gripping tale from the first page to the last.
It all makes for a gripping tale.
Who needs a novel when you have this gripping tale?
Told through interviews with people who worked in the building, rescue workers and family members of victims, the documentary weaves a gripping tale.
It would make for a gripping, and rather emblematic, tale.
Monsters and Critics also praised the book, writing that it was "a gripping tale with a heart-wrenching conclusion".