There is no need to enlarge upon the rest of that grim and grisly affair.
Would they still be there when the coming grisly affair was finished?
It was a grisly affair, and during the gunfire Timothy Turlock suspected that he was fighting on the wrong side.
She was forgetting for a moment the whole grisly affair.
In the summer of 1889 Centennial witnessed a grisly affair which affected the way the town developed.
It must have been a pretty grisly affair for even this distant village to hear about it.
Trent is the key to this whole grisly affair.
The studio should probably not have been surprised that a movie with "1,000 Corpses" in the title turned out to be a pretty grisly affair.
The Reconquest of Silves, not achieved for another 50 years, was a grisly affair.
And in a few words he related the grisly affair.