Nichols forced himself to stare at the grisly thing stretched out on the table.
The grisly thing swung by the hair from the man's white-knuckled grip.
He went up to his boot tops in muck but floundered ahead toward the grisly thing.
"Stand between me and all things grisly," I said, half-under my breath.
They roIled past the dead dog and the grisly skinned-looking things dining on it.
Hunnewell, his face void of all color, asked: "What do you find so interesting in that grisly thing?"
I wondered what she planned to do with the grisly thing.
The man on guard at the well saw the grisly thing happen.
The watching Blade saw one of the grisly things come into being.
"You see, writing a dissertation's the really grisly thing," he said lightly.