His eyes are tearing excessively (a natural response to the trauma, say the staff), and he has a gritty feeling in one eye.
Symptoms include blurred vision, extreme sensitivity to light, and an itching or a "gritty" feeling in the eye.
Now he signed the register, blinking at the gritty swollen feeling of his eyelids.
Perhaps it's more like a gritty feeling, but it's a sound to me.
In its original 1987 Off Broadway staging, the play had a grittier feeling.
The Cardassian who had shot her moments before had hit her translator device, she realized with a gritty feeling inside.
This "gritty" feeling also influenced artistic design.
The steering wheel had a gritty feeling under my fingers and the inside of my nostrils felt tight and drawn.
Whatever it was on which they were lying was hard and unresiliant, slick and slightly gritty feeling to the touch.
She had that gritty hollow feeling that comes just before sunrise.