Some are gritty tales that evoke Raymond Chandler's Los Angeles.
Read's foray into hip hop features gritty tales of organised crime, jail time, and ear removal.
Most Sundance hits tend to be gritty contemporary tales, and this movie didn't fit that mold.
Published in 1917, Burke's gritty tales of London's Chinatown ignited immediate controversy.
Along his thrilling journey is a tryst with adventure, a smattering of drama and a gritty tale that shows the power of love in extreme circumstances.
"Confinement," the gritty, appalling tale that opens "The Lucky Ones," is a departure for her.
Mia will continue as a character in the monthly Green Arrow comic book, but her story will not be a grim and gritty tale.
A gritty tale of black Londoners intoxicated by money and drugs, it's never much more than a showcase for his prodigious descriptive powers.
It's an uncharacteristically gritty tale of some unpleasant people who meet their comeuppance.
At this point the movie's soundtrack enters the girl-group era, when gritty tales of urban romance were packaged in pretty Top 40 hits.