This like the other grog shop was one of the few places where local men were still working, tending bar.
One went to find us, the other stayed to watch and follow if you left the grog shop.
There were also a number of illegal grog shops and several brothels.
My heart is filled with trepidation that he will not be able to resist the first grog shop we come upon.
It pealed, mocking, from the side door of the grog shop.
The Sergeant stopped in one of the grog shops and demanded arrack.
It's nigh on ten o'clock when we is taken to an iron shed at the back o' the grog shop.
He spotted the poet lurching out of a grog shop on the low end of town.
Then a venue is hastily arranged behind a pub or sly grog shop.
There might be shortages of coal and oil, but the grog shops appeared to be doing a roaring business.