Messier appeared to be wincing from the groin pain that made his participation questionable until game time.
It is important to look for other causes of groin pain when you have not had an injury.
Often an athlete has had lingering groin pain for months.
Still feeling the effects of the groin pain and his brothers backhand, Masataka seems to be losing.
Many times mild groin pain is caused by a minor injury that you may not have even noticed.
Most of the time when a serious problem is causing groin pain, you will have other symptoms.
Arthritis can cause groin pain, stiffness, and a limp.
For groin pain caused by enlarged lymph glands, appropriate treatment will depend on the cause.
Medical history questions documenting groin pain in detail may include:
For months, he had been experiencing groin pain, but dismissed it as the price of riding on a hard saddle five or six hours a day.