Mondo Bizarre - 'cool & strange music', exotica, surf, groovy beats "and other strange sounds"
Badu's original claim to fame was bass-heavy, groovy beats and emotionally charged lyrics.
A totally new landscape was written in the band's geography by the organ led Flood, where a groovy beat leads the song all the way through.
It throws in a few new groovy beats of its own, including tools that let you share playlists and songs immediately via social media sites like Facebook and Twitter.
One spot features a group of dancers in clothes reminiscent of the 1960's, moving to a groovy beat as they cross the set to a 20-year-old Honda.
Gianysh Toolsee of Planet Bollywood in his review, stated, "SEL successfully manage to hit the bull's eye with their proper use of zingy sounds, effective arrangements, lively tunes, rhythmic variations and groovy beats."
"Whether they're creating funky, groovy beats, infectious driving pop or atmospheric noises, Antennas Up takes a fresh approach to every song."
Herein lies the reason for the extraordinary appeal of this profound piece of choreography to a groovy beat (given its premiere by the Houston Ballet in June and performed last month by the Paul Taylor Dance Company).
They sang raunchy encomiums like "Slum Goddess" and set Blake and Swinburne to a groovy beat at a time when "Leader of the Pack" and "I Want to Hold Your Hand" were the cutting edge of pop.
Slam is a dance album with heavy, earthshattering synths and a groovy beat.