A grossly fat devil, one of the least powerful of its kind.
A grossly fat woman with red hair sat on the top step.
The man was grossly fat and wore four shades of rouge, looking like a good-timer himself.
Henry was grossly fat and middle-aged, and a questionable catch.
Seated next to him was a grossly fat man in red whom Sparhawk did not recognize.
But the close tying of the sleeves assures us that at least his arms are far from being grossly fat.
It took several minutes before the grossly fat man was once more in the saddle of the shire stallion.
One or two, who from boredom had let themselves get grossly fat, were derided and cried all day.
A grossly fat woman stood in the middle of the m6l6e, screaming with operatic force.
A grossly fat man was adjusting a gigantic paper-shredding machine against the far wall.