An officer described the practice as 'grossly misleading' and warned stores could be prosecuted.
This is a hyperbolic and grossly misleading statement.
I have no hesitation in saying that the letter of *962 December 9 was grossly misleading.
This is grossly misleading since it implies that all treatment plants in Great Neck are part of the coalition and support its objectives.
But critics say the test on Friday is grossly misleading because it is occurring under conditions that do not reflect those of a real attack.
They charge that the paper was "grossly misleading" because it misrepresented the laboratory data on which its conclusions were based.
Having been in negotiations within the aviation field I recall media reports of 'pilot pay' grossly misleading.
The figures you parroted are grossly misleading, by the way.
The article's allegation of "Rampant" child abuse is scurrilous and grossly misleading.
Politicians should be banned under the Freedom of Information act, as the information they give out is grossly misleading.