The grotesque creature that crouched on the floor by the window could scarcely be classed as human.
The two grotesque creatures mounted the steps and, with some difficulty, placed themselves in the golden chairs.
They slowly glanced at the grotesque creature lying lifeless on the operating table.
I had never heard of such a thing until we were given the grotesque bubbling creature by a neighbour.
Bradley was in the lead when he came suddenly upon a grotesque creature of Titanic proportions.
It becomes a country of tradition and substance, not just a suddenly grotesque creature.
The group recoiled in astonishment at so grotesque a creature.
There was another squeal and a grotesque creature shot out of the opening.
Coming toward them was a grotesque creature with incredibly long legs, the rest of his body of normal size.
It is a grotesque creature with a flattened body and a squashed-looking head.