It is garnished with ground cardamom, saffron, or pistachio nuts.
That way, ten pods is about the same quantity as one and a half teaspoons of ground cardamom.
It is quite common that ground cardamom is added to the blend of coffee for added flavor.
Put juice from pineapple in saucepan with vinegar, ground cardamom, cinnamon, curry powder, ginger and cloves.
Sift the sugar into the thickened yoghurt, then add the saffron milk and ground cardamom.
Sprinkle with the ground cardamom, pepper and salt, then stir in the cream and butter.
Add the onion (and ground cardamom, if using) and cook until golden, about 5 minutes.
(At this point you could fold in a number of dry ingredients, like finely chopped nuts, ground cardamom, orange zest or coconut.)
Brush with the beaten yolk (let down with a little milk), then scatter over the almonds and a good pinch of the ground cardamom.
Mix the espresso with the ground cardamom and 2 tablespoons of the sugar.