But as is the case with the ground convoys carrying food and medicine into the region, much of the assistance has been diverted.
Circling in long arcs among the helicopters were nearly 700 vehicles of the ground convoy, with bright orange recognition cloths on their roofs.
A ground convoy moved in after negotiating its way through the southern regions of Iraq.
A ground convoy of station wagon, car, one-ton truck, jeep, fuel tanker and radio van supported them.
There was confusion between the ground convoy and the assault team.
The assault team and the ground convoy waited for 20 minutes to receive their orders to move out.
The plan was to leave by ground convoy.
When you deplane, you'll be met by representatives from the armed forces who will connect you with ground convoys heading north.
Meanwhile, a ground convoy was dropped by giant Chinook helicopters, which have a shorter range.
The ground convoy, with trucks bogged down in the mud, was stalled for nearly a day.