She waved an arm to her right, where the ground dipped.
Just ahead of him, the ground dipped into a wide and shallow valley following a cattle trail over which stock had recently been driven.
The ground dipped more sharply and the sled gathered pace.
Walking cautiously, he made his way for several miles, as the ground dipped and rose towards the distant hills.
Where the ground dipped, water swirled within three feet of the door.
When the ground dipped toward a dust-filled ravine, he stopped.
Unfortunately, Clare lay off the path in a place where the ground dipped, so she could not be seen.
They were coming out into the open, up to where the ground dipped toward the Emmitsburg Road.
Where the ground dipped, it had drifted, and they found themselves buried almost up to their waists.
To the right of the roadbed, the ground dipped.