They were a variety of colors, none large enough to hold much more than a six-pack of soda pop and all sporting ground-in dirt.
That explained why all the coolers sported ground-in dirt.
The ground-in dirt and the food stains wouldn't come out, of course, they would need shampooing, but the dust would.
Stubborn soil, such as the ground-in dirt on collars, cuffs, and socks, is easier to remove after it's been pretreated.
And her feet were black with the kind of ground-in dirt you see on someone who's been pacing barefoot for hours.
His bare feet were so covered with ground-in dirt they might have been leather instead of skin.
Thick calluses, also dark with ground-in dirt, creased his palms.
The once-white shirt with its large, red No. 7, was covered with ground-in dirt.
Skin hung loose around the wrist, gray and speckled with ground-in dirt.
For best results in tackling these difficult areas, use the accessory adaptor by itself to steam out ground-in dirt and then wipe clean with a dry cloth.