It would also put a heavy burden on the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, a groundbreaking agreement among Northeast and mid-Atlantic states to limit carbon emissions.
Two theatrical powerhouses have announced a groundbreaking agreement that will create the most extensive production and distribution system in the commercial theater.
There was less consensus among industry executives, however, on the long-term financial impact of ABC's groundbreaking agreement to share advertising revenues with its new production partners.
Prime Minister-elect Ehud Barak signed a groundbreaking agreement with religious leaders this week, in fact, that will bring more haredim into the army and thousands more into the economic mainstream.
This groundbreaking agreement - a direct result of the recent American experience - was a historic first step toward the multinational conventions that now protect prisoners of war.
The International Labor Organization describes the Wassenaar as "a groundbreaking agreement, setting the tone for later social pacts in many European countries".
The winding road the two countries took to Monday's groundbreaking agreement was strewn with obstacles.
"This is a groundbreaking agreement in uncharted waters," said Michael A. Sheehan, the Police Department's deputy commissioner for counterterrorism.
To ensure that this contest did not spill over into a competition to secure the largest share of State aid, a groundbreaking agreement was forged early on, in 1992.
Major music labels in the UK are crowing about a "groundbreaking" new agreement with the six largest ISPs in the country.