Rivers, together with groundwater reserves, supply much of the water used for domestic, industrial and agricultural purposes.
This concept is important for specific storage, when estimating groundwater reserves in confined aquifers.
High population growth, the depletion of groundwater reserves and the impacts of climate change are likely to aggravate the situation in the future.
Scientists at the BGS produced the first comprehensive map of African groundwater reserves.
There is lack of research regarding groundwater reserves in Kosovo.
Hindustan Coca-Cola said studies had shown that its bottling operations were not affecting groundwater reserves.
However, where production relies on irrigation from groundwater reserves, water table monitoring is appropriate to provide timely warning if groundwater depletion occurs.
For the last 12 years, as the south's groundwater reserves dwindled, the Madrid Government's national hydrological plan has been held up in disputes.
The estimated annual discharge is 53,943 million cubic meters with a groundwater reserve of 47,895 million cubic meters.
They range from stressed groundwater reserves to aging drinking water infrastructure.