At peak times, the reservation policy forces small groups to crowd the entrance and bar as they wait for tables.
Soon, the group, now less than a hundred strong, was crowding through a mountain pass.
The group crowded into an inner court, where it was obvious they all felt safer.
As he finished dinner at a Chili's restaurant just outside the base, a group of soldiers strolled in and crowded around a table.
Loud, boisterous groups, many from tourist buses, crowd the long tables.
In the video, a group of yaks crowd beside a river bank.
Probably it had been provided only in case large groups of players crowded the gambling hall.
It seemed to him that the question made the little group of men crowd closer together.
On the shore, a large group of marabou stork crowded around something.
The entire group crowded around the second science station as Scott transferred his work to the overhead screen.