You have to figure out what the conditions are that cause that group of people to define themselves as being up against the same thing.
That group defines a rare disorder in this country as one affecting fewer than 200,000 people.
The group defined the top one percent as as people who make $319,000 or more, with the average being $915,000.
The group defined luxury goods as those that cost 20 to 200 percent more than standard items.
But different groups do not always define these names the same way.
Still, not a marginal group, but more narrowly defined than in the past.
Experts in economic development say such groups should define their goals clearly and not allow outsiders to tinker with them.
The state should not let groups define the lives of individuals.
Unfortunately, the ways in which these groups define relevance may vary widely.
A growing, though still not dominant, group now defines a province or local region as its homeland.