The Senate bill would require those groups to disclose their donors and spending.
In the past, it has denied requests for a list of top donors and a spokesman said the group "discloses exactly what is required."
The new law requires such groups to disclose their contributors, spending and the identities of senior officers, effective July 1.
On Sunday night another group of selectors will disclose the 12 teams for the men's tournament.
But Congress recently enacted rules that will require the groups to disclose the names of future contributors.
Mr. Rosebraugh said the group does not disclose information about its members.
The group did not disclose its ad budget but said it would spend more than $1 million, using foundation and individual contributions.
The group never disclosed the identities of its members, but Brunila is assumed to be the band's singer.
Few groups voluntarily disclose how much they spend on charitable work, as opposed to fund-raising and administration.
The groups also criticised the timing of the announcement, which was made during the holiday season and disclosed only in the federal register.