However, eventually a large group which includes several talented players can exert a stranglehold on the course of the game.
Some groups are supported by powerful business or political interests and exert considerable influence on the political process, others have few such resources.
This group exerted more freedom than their fellow companions on large haciendas and in private households.
The larger groups exert a great deal of influence on the way computer companies design, market and support software and hardware.
Both groups exerted monopolistic, un-contested rule over economic and political life.
The group has exerted an influence on many other Congolese popular musicians and groups.
Throughout history, this group, though small in numbers in the last two centuries, exerted a vast and significant influence on the region.
There is a definite possibility that such a development could quickly turn violent, as both groups exert control over various large militias.
These groups already exert a pressure which is difficult to accept.
In the Ottoman public sphere religious groups exerted their power.