This group buried its dead with the bodies fully extended, on their backs, in rectangular stone box graves.
The group that turned to United has extended invitations to other airlines to join in the venture.
Some groups extend the esbat to include the dark moon and the first and last quarters.
Beginning in the late 1800s, several groups have extended the definition of the political community beyond nation-states to include much, if not all, of humanity.
The group would extend the same guarantee to New York.
But each group extends Pascal in its own direction, to make it look like whatever language they really want.
And since these groups now extend into cyberspace, perhaps opera is sometimes best enjoyed on the Web, too.
The members of drum groups are often family, extended family, or friends.
The group has also extended its reach into the hinterlands.
The group extends about 7.2 km north to south, and is surrounded by many dangerous wrecks.