The group financed similar bonuses for principals and teachers in two Brooklyn school districts from 1998 to 2001.
The group financed the entire show themselves using funds acquired from previous performances and private donations.
Earlier, there had been indications that the Catholic hierarchy and anti-abortion groups would finance an appeal.
Since its start, the group has built 33 schools and 400 school libraries, delivered more than 200,000 books and financed 122 scholarships.
Buying groups finance their operations through fees received from the companies they purchase supplies from.
A group of wealthy Boston residents financed the building's construction.
These right-wing political groups finance themselves in any number of ways.
Rather than signing immediately, the group financed the recording of their first album to guarantee creative control.
Instead the group financed the new recordings itself and licensed the finished album to several labels around the world.
And if insurgent groups are financing terror by assisting drug traffickers, why not go after both?