Adding to the difficulties of the dance, this season the group is reviving a move the dancers call "the puppet."
Despite local opposition, a new group of investors revived the project three years later with modifications and called it WestRock.
To reverse the process, several groups of men go out and revive their hunting ways.
Months later, a group of students had revived the organization and the station was back on the air.
Now a group of good clerics revives the four heroes to go after Kaedin.
Several civic groups have revived an old proposal to lower the road to street level and curve it inland.
Though the party died out during the 1970's, a group of former members in California revived the Black Panther newspaper last year.
A group of local Eagle Scouts are currently reviving this historic brewery.
The group survived underground and revived after the Meiji Restoration.
Working almost singlehandedly, the group revived and rejuvenated a style that was nearing extinction.