It has been that way for centuries since clan-based groups roamed the deserts and competed for grazing land.
The film is an anarchic look at society as a group of anonymous youths roam the San Francisco cityscape.
I watch groups of teenagers roam in large packs from one end to the other.
A group of students also roamed the halls and assaulted two assistant principals, Mr. Taylor said.
The largest group roams 14 walled-in acres.
Armed groups, from left-wing guerrillas to right-wing militias, roam the countryside, making field study complicated, to say the least.
Taksim Square cannot be allowed to be a place where marginal groups can freely roam".
At the same time groups of young Azerbaijanis were roaming the streets, terrorizing the Armenians and warning them to leave the town.
Each group roamed within a defined winter territory, and their winter survival depended on the density of the food supply.
Within a day, a group of seven officials roamed the apartment complex, kicking and pulling doors.