The group, run by a steering committee, worked to ensure the rights of young people were heard by decision makers.
Everyone would buy insurance as part of a large group, run by a sophisticated purchasing agent known as a sponsor.
Organized crime is groups or operations run by criminals, most commonly for the purpose of generating a monetary profit.
The group, run by volunteers, says it emphasizes mutual respect, rather than a "win at all costs" attitude.
It is a not for profit group run by volunteers.
Others are self-help groups, often run by women, who provide piped water supply.
It is an informal group run by volunteers.
Many organisations have self-help groups run by parents - see Support for you.
The Christian fellowship referred to is apparently a group run by my own research assistant in Brussels.
Besides, in a group run by consensus, all a saboteur would have to do is come to meetings and block every proposal.