His practice continued to grow after the war.
He also devoted his efforts to Berea College, which grew after the war.
Currently the wine industry is successful and growing after the war in the 1990s.
They also indicated that the American naval and air presence in the gulf would probably grow after the war.
Texas cattle numbers grew significantly in that period, and after the war could not be sold for more than $2 a head in Texas.
The road transport industry grew strongly after the war and the sophistication and size of trucks increased.
The population of Duluth continued to grow after the war, peaking at 107,884 in 1960.
Consumption and investment continued to grow after the war, but below the trend rate prior to the war.
The towns grew with the influx of Irish immigrants to Canada after the war.
Indiana's population continued to grow during the years after the war, passing five million by the 1970 census.