His face grew ashen and his knees trembled, but he remained upright.
The corporal grew distinctly ashen, confirming what Winn had long thought about such sadistic thugs.
Mr. Lawrence's face grew ashen, and he took a few deep breaths.
When the second aviso sounded, Fermin's face grew ashen.
His face grew ashen even beneath its veil of dust, and he groaned.
Leonard's face had grown ashen, she saw, but he forged on, exhibiting a strength of character that she found impressive.
Then Swanhild shook like a birth-tree in the gale, and her face grew ashen.
And then he listened, his flushed face growing ashen as his organ collapsed.
Goldstein gave a strangled cry and his face grew ashen.
The face of one of the servants grew ashen.