I had never seen my mother, though of late years she might have grown more assertive, stand against my father's pronouncements.
In that time, the calls of their members have grown more assertive.
Expanding the narrow window of employment opportunities for an increasingly educated female population is another area where women have grown more assertive.
By 1961, the Kassem regime had grown more assertive.
Growing increasingly capable and assertive, they reclaim control of the water hole from the other tribe by killing its leader.
As the scene in the recording studio demonstrated, she has grown more assertive about her work.
However, the local shaykhs grew more assertive over time, and demanded higher subsidies.
A self-righteous frown knit his brow and his voice grew more assertive.
On one side, Indian tribes, who are growing more assertive, are winning support from urban judges.
The orphaned military grew more assertive, claiming the right to help Russians trapped in foreign civil wars.