"Business is growing astronomically and there really isn't any end in sight," Mr. Shepard said.
This number comes from comparing the figures of 1990 with those of 1989 - a year of hyper-inflation, when wages grew astronomically.
During the 1980's, Dillon remained a prestigous, but smaller voice on Wall Street, as its competitors used the public markets and other corporations to grow astronomically.
Things get steadily worse for Sam as the sales of his book grow astronomically.
Could it be that investors think Berkshire shares should trade at a significantly higher premium to its stock portfolio because the company's insurance business is growing astronomically?
Demand for telephone services continued to grow astronomically in the postwar years, and the company found itself unable to keep up with its customers' needs.
The panel said long-term care could also grow astronomically, as droves of baby-boomers begin to need home care or beds in nursing homes.
The number of children who would run away would grow astronomically.
And the ability to innocuously meet wealthy people grows astronomically if the candidate is an incumbent.
Sales of cigarettes grew astronomically.