It was a huge public relations gaffe, and evidence that the pressure to win five gold medals might have been growing too burdensome.
With property taxes growing ever more burdensome, it is likely that localities will start to give religious exemptions closer scrutiny.
Membership in the private library has dropped to about 300, while the cost of maintaining the old books, and occasionally buying new ones, has grown burdensome.
Crossing the moorlands, the companions journeyed without difficulties, but once within the Forest of Idris the Crochan grew more burdensome.
"If all are content," said Radulfus, finding these exchanges growing not merely burdensome, but longwinded, "I would desire to close this assembly with prayer, and so disperse."
In other situations, real estate taxes grew so burdensome, due to the rise in value, that the owners were withering under the financial burden.
I sought only to enhance an existence grown burdensome, to find ... satisfactions beyond the conventional' He chuckled slightly, as a man might at some naive childhood memory.
In fact with every step towards the gates of Mordor Frodo felt the Ring on its chain about his neck grow more burdensome.
Consumers there have cut their spending, waiting for future bargains, and some are unable to pay off debts that are effectively growing more burdensome by the month.
WHEN local taxes grow so burdensome that they drive away the young professionals that businesses need, a region loses competitiveness.